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Guest Post Submission for DigitalGrads
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What we write about

We write on a number of topics all designed to make life easier for a recent graduate who is looking to work in digital. If you have experience that could help someone else, or your have a story to tell please get in touch. The topics we write on are:

How I started 
Personal accounts and how to’s on getting started in the industry. We all have to start somewhere...

Your Job Search 
How can you get a grad job in digital marketing? Your job search, from how to structure your CV and cover letter, to how to ace your first job interview. 

Working in Marketing 
Once you’ve got the job, how can you stay current and fresh in an industry that's constantly upgrading itself? Get specific marketing career advice here.

Digital Marketing
Digital marketing tips, knowledge and experience from digital marketing pros. You will find plenty of useful insights from battle-hardened veterans who know their stuff. Topics in this category reflect the type of training we provide and may include:

And more!

It’s a grads life 
Our lifestyle blog written by grads, for grads. 

Tools and resources
Your online toolbox for digital marketing amongst a world of confusing job titles and industry jargon. 

How we write

A focus on practical advice – your tips and advice are great, but real-life examples and case studies are even better. Your personal experiences and stories go a long way to helping graduates really understand what they need to do.

Absolutely no jargon
Graduates with little to no experience of the marketing industry will not understand industry lingo and jargon, so we always edit any out and provide simple explanations where necessary.

Keep it simple
The language we use is simple, conversational and approachable. We want our readers to feel at home and thrive, not struggle to understand. They are after all beginners.

Things in digital marketing change so rapidly that we insist on advice being up-to-date and accurate.

Visual appeal
We include at least one picture with every post. If your post is a step by step guide or is instructional including pictures is a must! Heck, you can go all out and even add a video if you fancy!

What do you get?

You get to put your brand, your business and your point of view in front of students and graduates who are specifically looking to work in digital marketing. This is a great way to promote your brand, reach a new audience and grow your following.

Every article we publish also has these benefits: