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Guest Post Submission for 40PlusStyle | GuestPostSiteList
Guest Post Submission for 40PlusStyle
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I would love to publish more great articles like these so I have decided to open up this site up for guest writers, albeit with some very clear rules and guidelines.

What kind of articles am I looking for?

I love articles that talk about personal experiences that relate to looking and feeling fabulous after 40. All the articles mentioned above are a great example of that.

These are just some general ideas, but use your creativity and keep the 40+ audience in mind!

What are the benefits of getting published at 40+Style?

General guidelines:

Due to the large amount of spam and promotional pitches I receive and to ensure that only quality articles are published at 40+Style I’m going to be strict. Please read carefully and only submit an article if your comply with these guidelines:

  1. The article needs to be at least  400 words long.
  2. Every article on 40+ Style needs a photo. If you don’t own a good photo (for which you own the copyright) then provide ideas as to what kind of photo your article should have.
  3. If the article is about your unique style be sure to provide lots of high quality photos of at least 600pixels wide. These articles too need to be at least 400 words long. Talk about your style secrets or how you came to find your own unique style.
  4. Articles cannot be promotional in any way and need to contain information that is either entertaining, inspirational or helpful to my audience.
  5. I will not accept any articles by brands or shops. If you have something to promote please enquire about our advertising options.
  6. I will not accept any articles by freelance writers that write for brands. If the article has any promotional content or is written for a brand you need to make use of one of our advertising options.
  7. You will receive one link to a page of your choice in your author profile which can be a facebook page or your blog. As mentioned before, I do not accept any links to promotional pages of any kind. If the blog is from a brand, then refer to point 5.
  8. Be very sparse with any links in the article or leave them out altogether. Your article needs to have all the essential information. Any links that you do include need to be very relevant and only provide additional info that is essential to the article itself.
  9. I reserve the right to edit your article as I see fit. That includes editing the heading and titles of your your article. Please carefully check the spelling and structure of your article before submitting. If your article is full of grammar errors or sloppily presented, I will reject it automatically.
  10. Any article that is submitted to 40+Style needs to be original and cannot be published anywhere else. It also needs to be 100% your own work.
  11. Only high quality articles are accepted and I can never guarantee that an article you submit will be published. Of course I will always inform you of my decision and give you feedback on the reasons.
  12. If your article is accepted, please make sure to engage with my audience and reply to any comments your article will get.