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Guest Post Submission for Optoutrevolutionary
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Opt-Out Revolutionary is a community of writers, parents, and experts that aims to bring more joy into the lives of parents and families by offering ideas, inspiration, and tips about how to live a more balanced life. We publish posts related to careers, parenting, health & well-being, relationships, the environment, and just generally having fun.

Interested in writing for Opt-Out Revolutionary? Great! We love contributions from our revolutionary community!

Submission Guidelines:

1. With the exception of recipes, posts should generally be between 450-850 words.

2. Please include a brief byline and photo with your submission, to be included with your post. In addition to some short, interesting facts about yourself, your byline may also include links to your own personal website(s), blog, and social media pages.

3. If you are submitting a recipe, please include a photo. Photos should be at least 300 DPI, in landscape format, and taken in natural light.

4. Some posts will contain facts, statements, studies, or statistics taken from external sources. If you use these in your piece, please cite them in the body of your article, and provide links if possible. This way, everyone is recognized for their hard work!

5. Please do not submit posts that plug a particular product or brand.

6. Please do not submit posts that have already been posted on personal blogs or other websites.

7. If your submission is for Career Life, we love posts that focus on working smarter, innovative new ways that work well for parents, rather than the traditional 9-5. This could include topics like work-life balance, flexible schedules, job sharing, entrepreneurship, freelancing, the Opt-Out Revolution, re-entering the workforce after a break, etc. We also love posts about relationship dynamics between co-workers or bosses, as well as living your passion and finding your true self.